New fonts in the form of reply.
Adds new fonts to the form of reply.

Author: rps
Platform: any

Put to HTML-bottom (Admin > Options: 2nd form).

 <script type="text/javascript">
if (document.URL.indexOf("/viewtopic.php?id")!=-1 || document.URL.indexOf("/post.php?tid")!=-1 || document.URL.indexOf("/messages.php?action")!=-1 || document.URL.indexOf("/messages.php?box")!=-1 || document.URL.indexOf("/post.php?fid")!=-1 || document.URL.indexOf("/edit.php?id")!=-1) {
var ft; var i; var ft_f; var j = "";
ft = document.getElementById("font-area");
var ft_f = new Array();
ft_f.push('Bebas Neue');
for (i in ft_f) {
j = "<div><span style='font-family:" + ft_f[i] + ";'>" + ft_f[i] +  "</span><img src='/i/blank.gif' onclick=\"bbcode('[";
j += "font=" + ft_f[i];
j += "]','[/font]')\" /></div>";
ft.innerHTML += j;

Multiply the line

ft_f.push('Segoe print');

by as many fonts you need.