
ATTENTION! For the convenience of placing orders PLEASE REGISTER on the site!
Unregistered users can NOT leave clickable links, track their topic, etc.

ATTENTION! Orders are made according to Rules of making orders!
We ask you to read with them!


When you send the order to the title of the topic will be added a note "Order!" automatically, as well as other options that are important for specialists.
The title is filled in according to your wishes. It should reflect the essence of the order. We recommend to enter the order profile (design/style), the engine (mybb, ucoz, phpbb, ipb, etc.) and the subject of the order (anime, fllet, rpg, game name, etc.).
Naruto's mybb style.
Design for ucoz in fantasy style.
Mybb design with Wolves.

Title field (topic name):[/expl]
[input topic-name=Order! ###]

[expl]1. The order is addressed strictly to the team or any specialist?
If you fundamentally, that it is our team that execute the order, then check the option FD.
If you are ready to discuss the terms of the order with any responding specialist, then DO NOT mark this option.
[title-checkbox]FD[/title-checkbox] [expl](the order is addressed STRICTLY to the team, other specialists will not offer their services!)[/expl]

[expl]2. Is your order PAID, BARTER or FREE?
If you are ready to pay for the order, then check the option PAID.
If you are willing to offer your services for the work, then check the option BARTER.
If you do not want to pay money or services for the work, check the option FREE.
[input autosize]*Your forum / site[/input]
[textarea width=100%]*What is your forum / site? (подробно)[/textarea]
[checkbox] I'm not against placing a copyright designer.
[checkbox] I'm ready to post a designer banner on my website.

[expl]Specify, if you do paid order[/expl]
[checkbox] I'm ready to pay in advance
Minimum and maximum budget: 
[input autosize]How much do you want to pay?[/input]

[expl]Specify, if you do barter order[/expl]
I offer in exchange:
[textarea width=100%]What do you offer in exchange for design services[/textarea]
[expl]If you do NOT want your contacts to be available to unregistered users, use the hidden text button[/expl]
[textarea width=100%]Your contacts[/textarea]
[expl]Any information about the order, the required level of specialist skills, preferences for timing, execution and so on.  [/expl]
[textarea width=100%]Additional order information[/textarea]
[expl]Describe in as much detail as possible about the preferences for choosing the color scheme and the graphic component of the style.[/expl] 
[textarea width=100%]*Description of the color scheme of the design[/textarea]
[expl]Attach the required source images to be used in the design (links to pictures) and describe your requirements for their use.
If you provide a source search for the designer, then describe in detail the requirements for the images!
[checkbox] I provide a choice of sources to the designer
[checkbox] The designer should use ONLY my source
[checkbox] I am opposed to using in the design of the finished clipart and design elements, everything should be painted by hand
[textarea width=100%]*Links to pictures and graphics description[/textarea]
[expl]Describe in as much detail as possible about the preferences for the availability and location of design elements, the width of the forum / site, the height of the graphic design elements, etc. You can draw a schematic template (as you see the pages of the site and the location of the elements on them).  [/expl]
[textarea width=100%]*Description of the template and requirements for layout.[/textarea]
[expl]Describe the required scripts in the design: sliders, sidebars, information blocks, tables, galleries, etc.  [/expl]
[textarea width=100%]*Scripts.[/textarea]
[expl]Give references to examples of designs that you like, and describe what you like about them.  [/expl]
[textarea width=100%]*Links to designs that like and a description of what you like.[/textarea]
[expl]Any additional design preferences and comments to the order.  [/expl]
[textarea width=100%]Additional design preferences and comments to the order[/textarea]

%[%size=16%]%%[%b%]%%[%color=#ab0421%]%ATTENTION!%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]% For the convenience of placing orders PLEASE %[%url=]%REGISTER%[%/url%]% on the site!%[%/size%]%
%[%size=16%]%Unregistered users can NOT leave clickable links, track their topic, etc.%[%/size%]%
%[%size=16%]%%[%b%]%%[%color=#ab0421%]%ATTENTION!%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]% Orders are made according to %[%url=]%Rules of making orders%[%/url%]%!%[%/size%]%
%[%size=16%]%We ask you to read with them!%[%/size%]%
%[%align=center%]%%[%size=20%]%%[%font=Impact%]%ORDER TOPIC NAME%[%/font%]%%[%/size%]%%[%/align%]%
When you send the order to the title of the topic will be added a note "Order!" automatically, as well as other options that are important for specialists.
The title is filled in according to your wishes. It should reflect the essence of the order. We recommend to enter the order profile (design/style), the engine (mybb, ucoz, phpbb, ipb, etc.) and the subject of the order (anime, fllet, rpg, game name, etc.).
Naruto's mybb style.
Design for ucoz in fantasy style.
Mybb design with Wolves.
Title field (topic name):%[%/expl%]%
%[%input topic-name=Order! ###%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%1. The order is addressed strictly to the team or any specialist?%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%i%]%If you fundamentally, that it is our team that execute the order, then check the option %[%b%]%%[%color=#e63737%]%FD%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]%.
If you are ready to discuss the terms of the order with any responding specialist, then DO NOT mark this option.%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%
%[%title-checkbox%]%FD%[%/title-checkbox%]% %[%expl%]%(the order is addressed STRICTLY to the team, other specialists will not offer their services!)%[%/expl%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%2. Is your order PAID, BARTER or FREE?%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%i%]%If you are ready to pay for the order, then check the option %[%b%]%%[%color=#e63737%]%PAID%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]%.
If you are willing to offer your services for the work, then check the option %[%b%]%%[%color=#0481d9%]%BARTER%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]%.
If you do not want to pay money or services for the work, check the option %[%b%]%%[%color=#26af33%]%FREE%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]%.%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%
%[%align=center%]%%[%size=20%]%%[%font=Impact%]%GENERAL ORDER INFORMATION%[%/font%]%%[%/size%]%%[%/align%]%
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%1. LINK TO THE FORUM / SITE:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
 %[%input autosize%]%*Your forum / site%[%/input%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%2. FORUM / SITE DESCRIPTION:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%textarea width=100%%]%*What is your forum / site? (подробно)%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%3. TERMS AND BUDGET:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
 %[%size=18%]%%[%b%]%%[%checkbox%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/size%]% I'm not against placing a copyright designer.
 %[%size=18%]%%[%b%]%%[%checkbox%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/size%]% I'm ready to post a designer banner on my website.
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Specify, if you do %[%b%]%%[%color=#e63737%]%paid%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]% order%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%
 %[%size=18%]%%[%b%]%%[%checkbox%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/size%]% I'm ready to pay in advance
 Minimum and maximum budget:  
 %[%color=#e63737%]%%[%b%]%%[%input autosize%]%How much do you want to pay?%[%/input%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Specify, if you do %[%b%]%%[%color=#0481d9%]%barter%[%/color%]%%[%/b%]% order%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%
 I offer in exchange:
%[%color=#0481d9%]%%[%b%]%%[%textarea width=100%%]%What do you offer in exchange for design services%[%/textarea%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%4. YOUR CONTACTS:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%If you do NOT want your contacts to be available to unregistered users, use the hidden text button %[%img%]%[%/img%]%%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%Your contacts%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%5. ADDITIONALLY:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Any information about the order, the required level of specialist skills, preferences for timing, execution and so on.%[%/i%]%  %[%/expl%]%
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%Additional order information%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%1. COLORS:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Describe in as much detail as possible about the preferences for choosing the color scheme and the graphic component of the style.%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%  
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%*Description of the color scheme of the design%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%2. DESIGN AND GRAPHICS:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Attach the required source images to be used in the design (links to pictures) and describe your requirements for their use.
If you provide a source search for the designer, then describe in detail the requirements for the images!%[%/i%]%%[%/expl%]%
%[%size=18%]%%[%b%]%%[%checkbox%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/size%]% I provide a choice of sources to the designer
%[%size=18%]%%[%b%]%%[%checkbox%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/size%]% The designer should use ONLY my source
%[%size=18%]%%[%b%]%%[%checkbox%]%%[%/b%]%%[%/size%]% I am opposed to using in the design of the finished clipart and design elements, everything should be painted by hand
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%*Links to pictures and graphics description%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%3. TEMPLATE AND LAYOUT:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Describe in as much detail as possible about the preferences for the availability and location of design elements, the width of the forum / site, the height of the graphic design elements, etc. You can draw a schematic template (as you see the pages of the site and the location of the elements on them).%[%/i%]%  %[%/expl%]%
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%*Description of the template and requirements for layout.%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%4. SCRIPTS:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Describe the required scripts in the design: sliders, sidebars, information blocks, tables, galleries, etc.%[%/i%]%  %[%/expl%]%
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%*Scripts.%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%5. EXAMPLES:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Give references to examples of designs that you like, and describe what you like about them.%[%/i%]%  %[%/expl%]%
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%*Links to designs that like and a description of what you like.%[%/textarea%]% 
%[%color=#3f3f3f%]%%[%b%]%6. ADDITIONALLY:%[%/b%]%%[%/color%]%
%[%expl%]%%[%i%]%Any additional design preferences and comments to the order.%[%/i%]%  %[%/expl%]%
 %[%textarea width=100%%]%Additional design preferences and comments to the order%[%/textarea%]%