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You are here » - Design for forums and technical support » Script Catalog » Navigating through scripts (updated 03.07.2018)

Navigating through scripts (updated 03.07.2018)

Posts 1 to 4 of 4


Could not navigate in the Catalog?
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You can leave your questions and comments regarding navigation in this topic. :flag:

Announcements of the section

Moving the Quick Reply form to selected post (MyBB) [Alex_63]
Adds a "Reply" button by clicking on which Response form appears under the current post.

Full profile on the page profile.php (MyBB) [Alex_63]
When you go to the profile page, the current user profile (as seen by ordinary users / guests) is displayed with a link to the profile editing page.

Questionnairies script v2 (MyBB) [satsana, Alex_63]
Allows you to create questionnaires with different types of fields for filling by the user. There are many options for settings.

About section and navigation
The catalog contains a lot of scripts, some of which are designed for forums/sites on a specific platform. Therefore, at the end of the title of the topic with the script in parentheses, the hosting is specified. For example: Award script (MyBB). If nothing is specified, then the script is suitable for any forum or site.
The square brackets indicate the author of the script, if known. For example: Award script (MyBB) [Duka]

In this topic you can see the types of navigation in the catalog:

Scripts for ANY platforms
in this navigation are sorted by subject scripts, suitable for any site or forum.

Scripts for MYBB forums
In this navigation you will find a list of scripts that works only on MyBB forums.






Last edited by Gerda (05.06.2018 06:02:28)



MyBB forums

Global scripts, style, widgets, notifications.

Global scripts
Design & custom style
Information & widgets
Notifications & Alerts

Home page, announcement, statistics, search and navigation, categories and sections.

Home page & announcement
Forum statistics & users online
Search, navigation and page pagination
Сategories and sections

Users and groups: registration, entry, private messages, restrictions.

User registration and forum entry
Private messages
Limitation of capabilities only for GUESTS + restrictions for ALL forum visitors
Limit the capabilities of registered USERS or user groups
Moderation and scripts for moderators and admins

Forum Members: profile in the topic, additional fields, reputation, avatars.

User profile on the topic page
Reputation of the user & rating of posts
Additional profile fields

Pages of sections, topics and posts.

Topic list page
Topic page
Posts in the topic page

Submit form: new tags, functional for creating posts, modification of the response form, etc.

New tags and post/topic creation functionality

Questionnairies script v2 (MyBB) [satsana, Alex_63]

Last edited by Gerda (03.07.2018 13:45:34)





You are here » - Design for forums and technical support » Script Catalog » Navigating through scripts (updated 03.07.2018)

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