Smile-BOX without loading content when it's closed
Adds tabs with your smilies that are not loaded in the hidden state.

Author: Deff
Platform: MyBB

To the begining HTML верх (Admin > Options: 1st form) :

<script> //SCRIPT OF LOADING Smilies Prt1//
//Here in quotes Link to the uploaded content file//
var  Link='Here is your link to the uploaded file';
function getXmlHttp(){var xmlhttp;try{xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(e){try{xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(E){xmlhttp=false}}if(!xmlhttp&&typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined'){xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest()}return xmlhttp}
var SmileHTml='';function tstSmileLoad_2(){if(SmileHTml!=''&&!($("#Smile_smil_box").length)){
var Lft='</';$("#html-footer").prepend('<script>document.write(SmileHTml)'+Lft+'script>')}};
var xmlhttp=getXmlHttp();
function SmileLoad_0(){'GET',Link,true);xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){if(xmlhttp.readyState==4){if(xmlhttp.status==200){SmileHTml='<div id="Smile_smil_box"></div>'+xmlhttp.responseText;if($("#html-footer").length){$("#html-footer").prepend(SmileHTml)}}}};xmlhttp.send(null);}

To the begining HTML низ (Admin > Options: 2nd form) :

<!-- //SCRIPT OF LOADING Smilies Prt2 / -->


We save this file to the desktop, unpack it and re-load it into the Admin > Files.
The link (click on the file name in the admin panel) is read in the address bar of the browser and paste instead of red text in the part of the script, that going to HTML top.

or how to add smilies

a) You save the reloaded file from the admin area to the desktop (click on the file name in the Admin panel, on the opened tab press in the browser: File - save as - on the Desktop.)

Open it in Notepad (another editor changes the output file format) and delete - replace the desired smiley block with your block (or add a new one).
Links to emoticons are written through a comma (the insertion is reduced to the insertion of a block of links separated by a comma without a space)

Block type of your content when editing smiles:

<!--Начало Контента-->
<div id="Mybb" class="smile_Cnt" style="display: block" alt="0">

<textarea id="load_cont" style="display:none">
<div id="AddMybb" class="smile_Cnt">
<i class="additive"></i>

<div class="smile_Cnt">
<i class="additive"></i>

<div class="smile_Cnt">
<i class="additive"></i>

<div class="smile_Cnt">
<i class="additive"></i>

<div class="smile_Cnt">
<i class="additive"></i>

<!--Конец Контента -->

Adding a new block

To add a new block, just insert a new block:

<div class="smile_Cnt">

In any place indicated in the screenshot below (the block number depends on the place of your insertion)

Inside it, and insert links that go through a comma (the last link in the block without a comma!)

Green - block adding their additional smiles to the first block of smiles from the service.
You can either delete or modify the block, using the same rules as for the other blocks.

If all links have a common part, it is advantageous to separate it, reducing all links (by deleting this common, detachable part from all the links in this block),
the detachable part is inserted at the beginning of the block before all the references in the tags:

<i class="additive"></i>

Black-bold - the general beginning of this link unit.
The remaining links followed by a comma are followed without a space (the last link in the block without a comma!)

b) Uploading images for smiles by clicking on the button allows you to reduce the amount of content uploading by half (because the general part is easily allocated)

Before a new upload of the modified file in the Admin panel, you need to replace in the name one any number (so that it is activated without clearing the cache (otherwise, despite changing the file, until the cache is obsolete, the old version of the smilebox will be shown)